
Typography and composure of C.J.K. (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) writing systems should be interoperable with the "Western" (Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek) alphabets when typesetting certain electronic documents.

I write code using this font.
I write HTML documents with this font.
I have lots of terminal windows open with this font.
This is the font I use when I want to get things done.
This is what my system font preference is set to.

Binchotan was designed for that.


Download Binchotan_Sharp font for system usage. (.ttf)

Stylistic Comparison

Fixed-Pitch Font Stack

body {
	font-family: "Binchotan_Sharp"
	,	"Ubuntu Mono","Ubuntu Monospace"
	,	"NanumGothicCoding","Nanum Gothic Coding"
	,	"Osaka-Mono","Osaka-等幅"
	,	"VL Gothic","VLゴシック"
	,	"TakaoGothic","Takao Gothic"
	,	"IPAGothic","IPAフォント","IPA Gothic"
	,	"MSGothic","MS ゴシック","MS Gothic"
	,	"Migu 1M"
	,	"M+ 1m"
	,	"IosevkaCC"
	,	"Agave"
	,	"Kawkab Mono"
	,	"WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono"
	,	"SimHei","中易黑体"
	,	"MotoyaLCedar W3 mono","MotoyaLCedar"
	,	"Unifont"
	,	"TerminusTTF","Terminus"
	,	"Fixedsys Excelsior","Fixedsys Excelsior 3.01"
	,	"Fixedsys"
	,	"monospace",monospace,monospace,sans-serif ;