Articulate Theme W.I.P.

Styles are embedded into the document. This is a work in progress. This is an experiment. This was made by hand, without bootstrap. All element styles are unset and then reset, given vertical and some horizontal rhythm, a speckle of color, and then typeset in Latin Modern.

SHA2-256:E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855 true +18001675309 2021:4700:2693:3071:3417:9920:CA0D:FFFF eighty seven 0x62 -8320947.875e+312957.56 1147936974520.6301 USD¤3.50 hsl(120,100%,75%) 42 external link

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus magna. Cras in mi at felis aliquet congue. Ut a est eget ligula molestie gravida. Curabitur massa. Donec eleifend, libero at sagittis mollis, tellus est ⇧Shift tellus, at luctus turpis elit sit amet quam. Vivamus pretium ornare est. Nightmare Moon, Diamond Tiara Sweetie Drops Wonderbolts pegasus Lyra wing. Incididunt enim MDN cutie mark. A simple equation: x = y + 2 The rest of this sentence is dans une autre langue.

Definition List Element
Defines terms, useful to stuff in footnotes.
figure caption element

C is a general purpose programming language. It has been closely associated with the UNIX system where it was developed, since both the system and most of the programs that run on it were written in C. The language, however, is not tied to any one operating system or machine […]

C Programming Language, 2nd Edition
Country Statistics (2014)
Country Established Land Area (km²) Population (est.) GDP (billions)
United States 1776-07-04 9826675 318042000 16799.7
Canada 1867-06-01 9984670 35344962 1526.1
Japan BCE660-01-11 377944 126659683 4698.8
China BCE221 9596961 1350695000 13395.4
Zimbabwe 1965-11-11 390757 12973808 10.3
New Zealand 1853-01-17 268021 4509461 136.6
Switzerland 1300 41285 8014000 371.6
Brazil 1882-09-07 8515767 201032714 2423.3
# FizzBuzz in Perl

sub fizzbuzz( $$ ){ my( $i , $n , $o )=@_;
	if( !( $i % 3 ) ){ $o .= 'fi' ; }
	if( !( $i % 0x05 ) ){ $o .= 'bu' ; }
	if( $o ){ $o =~ s/(fi|bu)/$1zz/g ; print( "$o,$i\n" ); }
	if( $i < $n ){
		fizzbuzz( ++$i , $n );

"It just wouldn't be a perl script without some regex."

This is MathML content.

0 1 x x x = n = 1 1 n + 1 n n
example details element
  • stuff
A+ A+ A+ A+
fieldset legend
For input controls we use the user's default sans-serif font.

output confabulation element

Header Level Two

Header Level Three

Header Level Four

Header Level Five
Header Level Six

Pony ipsum dolor sit amet rainbow power harmony Derpy Bloomberg waterfall. Smarty Pants horn alicorn tail Fancy Pants. Donut Joe Shining Armor Ponyville, Ms. Peachbottom alicorn Everfree Forest Pipsqueak Rarity Owlowiscious apples Steven Magnet Queen Chrysalis Trixie rainbow power Bon Bon. Iron Will Twist Apple Jack pegasai, generosity rainbow Donut Joe Flim. Cheerilee mane rainbow power, Mayor Mare Zecora Shining Armor Granny Smith Pipsqueak Caramel pony Vinyl Scratch Gilda Braeburn Sunset Shimmer Owlowiscious. Apple Bloom sun Discord, friendship Photo Finish flank apple Pinkie Pie hooves Flash Sentry rainbow pony Mr. Cake muffin. Mr. Cake cupcakes hoof, alicorn Apple Bloom Pipsqueak Princess Celestia sun Donut Joe hooves. Apple elements of harmony Canterlot Featherweight. Clop muffin Sapphire Shores, friends cupcakes Gummy pies alicorn Donut Joe Silver Spoon Vinyl Scratch Ms. Peachbottom Opalescence. Babs Seed Bloomberg Gilda hooves. Hoof Ponyville Snips, Iron Will Peewee Hoity Toity unicorns King Sombra Canterlot Fancy Pants Daring Do Babs Seed cloud.

                             I,  \,        /|
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      ,___,            ,/__        \/      ,/
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     II  @@  \,      ,/\____|          ,/      _____/      __\
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     \\                        ___   //\_/             _/
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     ,                 \_           \\.          \_/    '
    / \    ______        \        ,/ \\.          \|
   /.. \_/      \__,_  __/      ,/   //     _______|
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 _/ __/    \_____\      I      \  \_     _/        \           I
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      `  I\___,                     /\___,                      \
      ,__I\____,           ,___     I  \________,               I
    _/    \_____,        _/    \____\_____   \______/           I
  ,/   .     \____/    ,/   .                    \______/   |__/
  |   /|   /| \_____/  |   /|   /|   _                 \____/
  |__/ |__/ |__/ \_____|__/ |__/ |__/ \__________________/

Here be dragons…